
White pork end loin
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
Homemade fried tomato sauce
1 cucumber
1 onion
1 glass of red wine
Extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic


1. The end loin must be prepared the day before. Therefore, the first thing to do the night before is to trim the meat and put it to marinate in olive oil with the garlic and oregano.
2. The following day, prepare the vegetables. To do this, finely cut the green and red peppers, tomato, onion and cucumber.
3. Then, put the vegetables in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil over a medium heat. Once they start to cook, add a glass of red wine. If necessary, add a pinch more salt and a little homemade fried tomato.
4. Use a griddle or frying pan to sauté the end loin, pouring in a little olive oil. This will keep it juicy.
5. When the end loin is browned on both sides, serve on a plate and pour over the vegetable sauce.
6. Sprinkle with a little chopped parsley and serve with chips and salad.

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