Friselva has attended from the 12th to the 14th of November the 23rd edition of the Food and Hotel that took place in Shanghai. Thank you to everyone that visited us at our booth nº N1D09!
Friselva has attended from the 12th to the 14th of November the 23rd edition of the Food and Hotel that took place in Shanghai. Thank you to everyone that visited us at our booth nº N1D09!
This year, Friselva is collaborating with the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (FEM) on our Christmas cards. The FEM has participated in creating both the traditional paper format and a digital version. The original designs are the drawings of our employees’ children, nieces and nephews.
FRISELVA sponsored the 1st Tournament of Padel Riudellots taking advantage of the celebration of FIPORC, Fair where you can taste all kind of products derived from pork among many other activities.
FRISELVA sponsored the 1st Tournament of Padel Riudellots taking advantage of the celebration of FIPORC, Fair where you can taste all kind of products derived from pork among many other activities. We encourage you to participate! Registration until February 10!
Friselva will attend this year a new edition of the Alimentaria fair, that takes place in Barcelona from 20 to 24 of April! You can find us in Hall 3 and booth E650!
For the 6th year, the FRISELVA SCOLARSHIP award, had been held with the students of the ESCOLA HOSTELERIA de Girona. There were 2 winners in this year’s edition, Manchita Jabbi, with its traditional PORK CHEEK MEAT recipe. Sandra Masias, for the most innovative PORK
The exceptionality of the situation we live requires the effort and commitment of all of us. Friselva joins in the fight against COVID19 and has made a donation to the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona to purchase the necessary equipment to care for the most
We’re pleased to present our new website, a clear and dynamic platform with more content and improved navigation. We want to offer this new space of exchange to our visitors and clients and thus be able to share news and updates about Friselva’s products and
Le Friselva et le Girona FC ont conclu un accord pour renouveler et prolonger le parrainage amorcé la saison précédente. La grande nouveauté de cette année est l’inclusion de la marque Friselva dans le dos du maillot de toutes les équipes féminines du Girona FC.
Une année de plus, depuis Friselva, nous avons collaboré avec les Quina de Riudellots de la Selva et l’édition de cette année a été un succès. Les bénéfices récoltés dans la Quina sont destinés à La Marató de TV3, à l’association Som Sostre qui aide
Ctra. Nacional II, Km 706,5
17457 Riudellots de la Selva, Gérone (Espagne)